Spiritual Unity

In the June 22, 2021 Wretched Radio Podcast, Todd Friel references these quotes from Martyn Lloyd-Jones:

“The basis of our unity must be doctrine, not fellowship.”

“The next unique feature of the gathering of people who are the church is the common life they share. They have a love of the same doctrine, always. This love of the same doctrine always precedes fellowship. True unity in the church is a unity of life. Unity of life is expressed with a unity of doctrine. A man who is born again is a man who wants teaching.”

… which is the exact opposite of what you hear today. 99.44% of the time when you hear “Unity” being espoused it is an attempt to discourage individuals from standing firm on orthodox theology. If you have the audacity to state that somethings are Biblical and other things are wrong, you are being told that you are tearing down unity.

Martyn Lloyd-Jones would disagree.

You can read more about it in “The Basis For Christian Unity“.

Source: https://wretched.org/radio/spiritual-lethargy-convenience-ideology-and-biblical-unity/

Podcast: https://media-wretched.org/Radio/Podcast/WR2021-0622.mp3

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