Looking for Biblically based answers to questions? Instead of searching the entire web, use this to search Biblically based, discernment, polemic, and apologetic organizations.*
This search uses this google query below to narrow your results:
search term (site:gty.org OR site:pulpitandpen.org OR site:piratechristian.com OR site:gotquestions.org OR site:answersingenesis.org OR site:apprising.org OR site:hillsongchurchwatch.com OR site:michellelesley.com OR site:truthforlife.org OR site:wretched.org OR site:carm.org OR site:reformationcharlotte.org OR site:justinpeters.org OR site:aomin.org OR site:biblethumpingwingnut.com OR site:protestia.com OR site:teampyro.blogspot.com)*As of 03/14/2021 all of these resources are believed to be Biblically based. This is by no means an exhaustive list, google limits the length of a search query. There are many other Biblically solid websites, this list is intended to be a cross section of ministries with different focuses and purposes. There is nothing to be inferred by the order of the list, it’s just how it came to be. This list is occasionally tuned to return the most relevant results. Non-inclusion or removal from this list does not necessarily imply lack of confidence in the material provided.
Inclusion in the list below does declare a lack of confidence in the material provided, and should not be used as a resource:
Hugh Ross / Reasons to Believe (Reasons.org)
The Gospel Coalition (TheGospelCoalition.com)
William Lane Craig / Reasonable Faith (reasonablefaith.org