Passion’s Louie Giglio Greets Pope with “Holy Kiss”
That doctrine-denying ecumenism is running amok in the evangelical church is an understatement of epic proportions. The safeguards of the faith founded in the sound doctrine of the Word have been all but cast aside in, to an onlooking post-modern worldview, an admirable spirit of tolerance
But this discernment-free ecumenism is not a recent development for Passion front-man Louie Giglio. Back in July 2015, Giglio was granted by the Vatican an invitation for a meet and greet with the chief apostate on the planet. According to a Catholic News Agency article emphasizing Francis’ active engagement in seeking a re-establishment of relations with evangelicals – particularly charismatics – present at the meeting was, “Rev. Louie Giglio, from the Passion City Church of Atlanta.” (Source)
Louie Giglio is No Hero to Be Admired
Apprising Ministries first covered Louis Giglio in Beth Moore And John Piper Lead Lectio Divina-Lite At Passion 2012 where I shared concerns about Giglio’s emphasis upon direct encounters with God.
That was bad enough, but it got even worse this year, as I showed in Louie Giglio, Passion 2013, And Jesus Culture. Now Giglio appears to be marrying his Passion youth movement to that of Jesus Culture.
It needs to be understood that reputed Calvinist Louie Giglio, pastor of Passion City Church (PCC) in Atlanta, is influencing scores of teens and college age youth as the leader of this so-called new breed Jesus Generation.
David Platt Promotes False Teacher, Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio is a false teacher. For anyone with a modicum of theological acumen who also knows the kinds of things that Giglio teaches and practices, this is not up for debate. But for those who are unaware, for starters, Giglio promotes a heresy that is rampant in Word of Faith circles known as little-god theology — that essentially human beings are inherently divine.
Giglio is the pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta and holds an annual conference that is popular with millennials and younger students and regularly hosts other false teachers such as Francis Chan, a charismatic Catholic sympathizer, and Hillsong’s Christine Caine, Judah Smith, and Carl Lentz. In short, as one blogger puts it, Passion City Conference is “an ecumenical affiliation of some of the worst heretics and false teachers who have ever been associated with the body of Christ.”
There tends to be an incessant need in modern Evangelicalism to build bridges between every professing sect of the Church. While the Scriptures clearly teach the doctrine of unity among the brethren, it also clearly teaches that separation from false teachers and their aberrant doctrines is a must.
Passion Conference: Parents barred from attending, errant teachings introduced, false teachers lauded, and more.
This year’s lineup included the usual array of not-solid-to-false teachers and singers.
Passion’s cumulative effect is bad. Young attendees are drawn to a large event with the tantalizing enticement of rock music, purposely separated from senior pastors, elders, and parents for several days, drenched in a fishbowl of adrenaline-fueled zeal, given half-truths to feed on, told by adored celebrity musicians and pastors they are a special generation, diverted their focus from service in church or campus to solving a global problem, encouraged to sacrifice their money for social justice causes, (end global slavery, end global poverty…) and often turned back to their home churches or campuses carrying new leaven.
Phil Johnson on the Passion Conferences: The Passion Conferences have progressively been more and more and more about raw passion rather than about biblical truth, going back years. For at least five years I’ve been totally critical of the Passion Conferences and the direction they’re going.” ~Too Wretched for Radio, 9/16/2019
John Piper Returns to Passion Conference in 2020, Joins Host of False Teachers
Passion 2019 is riddled with Charismatics, Prosperity and Word of Faith preachers, and social justice warriors. Speakers ranging from Hillsong cult’s female prosperity gospel preacher of works righteousness, Christine Caine to Duck Dynasty’s Sadie Robertson, who preaches that Jesus died to help us fulfill our dreams, it is clear that the gaggle of false teachers here are certainly united around one thing — hedonism. And of course there are others, like Levi Lusko who adds stories to the Bible, LeCrae, who supports the most pro-abortion political candidates out there because of their skin color, and, of course, the Giglio’s themselves, who teach a heresy known as little-god theology.
It’s just sad to see the continual slide into apostasy among so many that we once believed we could trust. It just goes to show that men are totally depraved and the most trustworthy source of truth is found in Scripture alone. And anyone who deviates in any way from Scripture should be avoided.