Red Flag Buzz Words
If the “Christian” material you are reading contains any of these buzzwords, be cautious and investigate the material and the author Radical Secret New Code Whisper
Don't let bethillvation destroy your church!
If the “Christian” material you are reading contains any of these buzzwords, be cautious and investigate the material and the author Radical Secret New Code Whisper
In the June 22, 2021 Wretched Radio Podcast, Todd Friel references these quotes from Martyn Lloyd-Jones: “The basis of our unity must be doctrine, not fellowship.” “The next unique feature of the gathering of people who are the church is the common life they share. They have a love of the same doctrine, always. This … Read more
If you are a Biblically founded Christian, a more accurate term for you might be “Resurrectionist”. The world tries to invalidate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Even many so called Christians dismiss the resurrection and claim Jesus’ teachings about love is all that matters. As we’ll see, the the resurrection is not only true, but … Read more
C.S. Lewis may be a great apologist, but his theology can leave things to be desired. This paragraph from “Mere Christianity” smacks of Universalism. There are people (a great many of them) who are slowly ceasing to be Christians but who still call themselves by that name: some of them are clergymen. There are other … Read more
There’s really not much else to say. source:
And this is absolutely the truth. Youth today have been conditioned to “experience” church, rather than accept the biblical model of church, which is, primarily, to equip the saints to make disciples. While biblically-modeled worship is and should be an integral part of a church service, Hillsong has transformed the traditional worship service into a mind-numbing … Read more